Sunday, August 31, 2008

God's grief

I think I got a small glimpse into how God grieves when we fail him. Believe it or not, it came by way of our Giant Beagle Dog, Teddy.

Teddy is really Tyler's dog and he knows it. He is a bit of a "Mother Hen." He needs to be in the center of whatever we are doing. He would prefer if we make it all about him. He loves us all with everything he has. When we step on him or fall over him, he always forgives us happily, tail wagging. He greets us at the door when wecome home after having been gone with a "Snoopy dance," and he does the same when dinner is served. He has even forgiven us when, on occasion, we run out of food and he has to wait until morning to eat. He gets a little grumpy and will come by and lick me. I know he's telling me that he is basting me because if that food doesn't come soon...he's eating me first.

Lately we have all been out of sorts just a bit. Ashley is excited to be a Senior, but nervous about all of the decisions and responsibility of picking a college. Tyler is happy to be in High School, but nervous about going to his school. I have been stricken by early "empty nest syndrome" and Terry is tired of looking older than he is. (He got a man make-over today, and he's hhhhoooottt)

I have been reading the book, "Disappointment with God" by Phillip Yancey. He is a brave man. Most of us would never admit that we have ever disappointed with our Savior. This got me to thinking about grieving.At one point, we lost 4 family members in less than 4 years and one of them had a mean form of dementia before she passed, so I have seen many people grieve. I have held many a hand through the grieving process. I know I don't grieve properly, because my family always tells me I am "holding in my grief in." I suppose it is true. It is hard for me to mourn for someone who has attained that which I someday hope to attain. Heaven. I am not a crier, so I usually am stoic. I am good to have in an emergency because I don't have a panic button. So over the years, I've been closely acquainted with grief, but very seldom has my heart been torn out. The most grieving I do is when I see things in Christians, myself included, and churches that I know break the heart of God. Then I began wondering what is is like when God grieves. I know He grieves. The Bible is replete with numerous stories of people grieving God. For a biblical example, read about the Jews. Or how about this: "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30" We wouldn't be warned not to grieve the Holy Spirit if it never happened.

This all converged Monday morning, the first day of school, into a spectacle I hope I never have to witness again. Terry left for work before any of us, including the dogs, were awake.Then we all got up early to start our day. This had not happened all summer and even the dogs had gotten used to sleeping in. Then their kids were with them most of the day. When it came time for the kids to leave for school, I heard Tyler tell Teddy he couldn't go to school and then he shut the door. I cannot ever properly describe the scene that followed, but I will try. He immediately started crying and jumping around like he was on fire. I called Terry at work to tell him to mortgage the house! The dog was hurt and I was taking him to the hospital. Terry didn't answer. The dog just kept wailing, but he also ran to the back door. I realized then he wasn't too hurt. Maybe he needed to go... He ran out and ran around the pool and began to try to dig out under the fence. He was trying to get to the kids! He was in a freak out because his "babies" left. (It might be because they left him with me.)

I made him come back inside. I checked him out to be sure nothing was broken. He was still baying and howling and carrying on like a paid mourner at an 18th century funeral. I sat on the floor with him and I held all 50 pounds of him while he wailed. A beagle snout turns into a great microphone when it is blasting in your face. Now, this was all not fair, because I had "have nervous breakdown" on my schedule for that morning because of that empty nest thing and he was stealing it. I sat and rocked him and we cried together for a literal hour. Then I noticed his tail start wagging and at that point, he was just using me for my ear scratching abilities.

He then went and put his chin on the window sill where he can see the driveway and stayed there all day until the babies were home. He forgave them for leaving them and pretty soon, he was back to "Snoopy dance" again

I realized that I grieve my Father when I walk away from Him. He yearns for me to return. He waits and watches. He wants to hang around with me and have my life center around Him. He does a happy dance, maybe not literally but you get my meaning, when we return. But those times when we leave Him or sin against Him, we break His heart. I can now imagine that if Teddy's grief is maybe 1/10,000 of God's grief, I don't want to be responsible for it. I also love knowing that as soon as we ask, we are back to "happy beagle" time. Immediate forgiveness. Beautiful. A promise you can count on. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9" Isn't our God beautiful and creative. I love it when he teaches me a lesson using props. I just hope they are a little quieter props next time.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Last year I was teaching in the youth ministry at church. I was also thinking, I am so fed up with foolishness that I think I will start my own church. (Sorry Wes, I guess this is what I do when I should have been paying attention. My bad.)

We will do things God's way! We will not care what cool new program is "in" right now or what the trends or statistics say. We will ask the Lord for guidance and we will obediently follow. We will not have a CEO or "hatchet person." We will treat God's people with dignity and respect. If you say God is speaking to you, you better not contradict scripture. We will not even hear a "that's not my calling," or "I've done my time." And we will never, ever, have someone tell you where to park. I believe if you can drive, you know what the stripes are for.

I looked around me and I realized that I had almost everyone I needed right there in front of me. Somehow, I feel God had put the best of the best in that ministry at that time. So I will import one family full of foolishness hating folks and here is a new virtual church! Woo Hoo. Of course we can't ever meet or "do church" because we are all people and with people comes foolishness. But just imagine... It should be noted that I don't hate my own foolishness. Only the foolishness of those who don't amuse me. At least I'm honest. So here is our church staff line up. (Not in order of importance.)Tell me what you think.

Pastor- Wes: I know he's a youth minister, but he will be a pastor someday. He will be a pastor who is a shepherd. He truly cares about his people. I believe that he will put together some amazing, dynamic, challenging messages that will make you think Jesus is in the room. He is going to have to have a few more kids because I believe you have to have at least 5 to qualify as a pastor. Maybe you can adopt a few from China. They have a bunch extra and Terry won't let me have one. My friend Laura can help you with information. But I digress...

Associate Pastor or "Jesus Police"- Tyler : We all know the boy is going to "make a preacher" some day. I want his mentors to be the best, so we are starting him out early. He will spend a lot of time like Jesus did when he was a boy. He will be asking everyone challenging spiritual and theological questions. This will keep us all on our toes. However, for now, he is the Jesus Police. He will go around asking people : "Why is that movie OK for you to watch if it isn't OK for your kids?" He will also be in charge of making sure the schedule stays on schedule. You can't mess with that boy's schedule.

Youth Minister- Marcus: He is a youth minister called to youth ministry. I really believe it is its own special calling. He will teach the kids Jesus, make disciples, witness to the lost and throw an occasional pie or roll of toilet paper. Whichever the situation warrants. He will also let the rest of us spend some time in youth because we love it and for most of us, this is our behavior level. I didn't put Wes here, because I already made him pastor and I don't think he'll have time for two jobs, but he can come in any time, I'm sure.

Music : Tricia and Donna: Trisha will be in charge. I am not in her league. She is amazingly talented. The woman can sing and play! She also can do it all while making a lung and a foot and a brain. I'm pretty sure she could also throw a roll of toilet paper at the same time. I decided to put myself here as second in command because: 1) I made the list and 2) I will be in charge of old fogey music. The music most of you don't like, but you would if you ever read and digested the words. That's right. We will sing some hymns. Then we will live them out. We will not only sing hymns, we will sing praise music, worship music, old music, new music, and if we need to, we will sing no music. On occasion, we might need to get "back to the heart of worship."

Men's ministry- Chip: I imported him and his family. We need them. Chip is a wise man of God. He is a "man's man." Plus he is an amazing golfer. You know you can't have a men's ministry without a golf tournament. It simply isn't done. I think he will be great at growing men into "God's Men!!"

Women's Ministry-Me: I am so excited about my pretend ministry!

Administrator- Terry: We are going to take advantage of his financial education and non-profit experience. This job is perfect for him. He once was almost sure this was where God was calling him, but then he decided it was not. Maybe God will call him to the pretend church. There will be no financial foolishness when Terry is on the case. A plus is that we will have the cutest administrator in fake land.

Education Minister- Frank & Kristin: I put them both here because they are specially suited and it's a big job. Frank will be writing a lot of our discipleship material and so will Kristin. They are both smart, witty, and talented. They will be overseeing everything that falls under adult discipleship.

Pre-School & Children's Minister- Laura and the kids: Sorry, Laura. I know you thought you had moved out of this role, but you have experience and you're really good at it. The girls will help out a lot as will the boys. This is a godly woman, married to Chip, who will be sure our littlest ones (remember, there are babies and potential babies everywhere) are taught about Jesus. She will rock them and tell them Jesus loves them. She will organize the workers like no one else but Marcus could do. She will make sure people show up.

Whatever she wants- Elisha: She has earned the right to do whatever she wants. She can hang out with youth, teach kids, be the secretary or rest...whatever.

I think this is a good start. There are a few holes. If you think we should move someone around, let me know. I'm sorry, you will not be able to refuse your virtual position. It is pretend, after all.

Friday, August 15, 2008

You have to love them, but you don't have to keep them in your boat!

A few years ago, I was talking to my friend Audrey about how I was tired of Christians and the shallow, worldly way we often treat each other. (That's right, I said it. You know you've thought it too.) She said, "Jesus said we have to love them but He didn't say we have to keep them in our boat." She is a woman of few words, but when she speaks, she is like E.F.Hutton. I listen.This has been life changing for me.

What, or who, is your boat? It is your nearest and dearest. You can't fit as many people into a boat as a house. A boat is a very intimate setting, so whoever is in it with you better love you, warts and all, and vice-versa. It's not a ship. It's small and sometimes stinky and can get a little messy. You need to work together in your boat to get anywhere. If you don't row together, you are just wasting energy. Sometimes, you may have to toss someone overboard. I believe women struggle with the concept. We tend to try to keep a whole house load of people and ALL of their business in our boats. I meet so many women just burdened by people in their boats. Some of those people are trying desperately to jump, but the good intentioned woman keeps dragging those poor souls back in. Some need to be let go.

I met a beautiful woman this past week in our Sunday School class. She was asking for prayer for some co-workers who were making her life miserable. Our lesson that day was partly from Acts 15: 36 - 40.
36Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing." 37Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, 38but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. 39They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, 40but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord.

I love this passage and I believe it teaches us a valuable lesson. You see, Paul literally put Barnabus out of his boat. What is usually focused on here is the "sharp disagreement" between Paul and Barnabus. Nobody understands Paul point of view, because we know the end of the story. They had been a great pair! Oh, God had used them together mightily. You see, Barnabus had brought the newly saved Saul (Paul) to the disciples. Saul had tried to go to the disciples himself, but they were afraid of him. (Acts 9:26-27) Paul and Barnabus were together on the first missionary journey (Acts 13-14.) They were tight. Then came the "sharp disagreement," a kerfuffle, if you will. Barnabus wanted to include his cousin John Mark on the next trip and Paul was fed up with the boy. Mark had deserted them earlier and Paul was not in a forgiving mood. So, they split. It doesn't tell us in the text, but I know it was miserable and agonizing for the both of them. I know they missed each other, but the relationship was no longer the best thing for the ministry. Paul thought John Mark was useless, but Barnabus saw something worthwhile in him.

Here's my favorite part. Together they were one amazing missionary team, but separately...they were TWO great missionary teams. Twice the people reached for Jesus, twice the ground covered. Twice the greatness! If they had not split, it would have been less than God's best.

Ladies, sometimes we need to "clean house...boat." Sometimes a relationship is no longer God's best. I have cleaned out my boat lately. There are quite a few great....and not-so-great Children of God treading water around my boat. I still love them,in an agape kind of way, but we were no longer God's best for each other. I know they are happy to be released and I am glad to have room for some new boat mates. I am also glad to have room to breathe. Those other people, they will flourish without me. I will flourish without them and separately, we will storm the world for Jesus and reach more ground.

That lady in class? She is tossing those work ladies out of her boat! We are going to pray for them, but the relationship is going to change. I'm thinking I'm going to make room in mine for her. As you might have heard, I have a few openings.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Catching up with the Lawsons

It was pointed out to me recently that I neglected to keep you up to date on the comings and goings of the family. There is a good reason. Terry has lived in fear ever since we were married that I would use him as "material" when I begin my career as a stand up comedienne. He has officially forbidden me to write about him, so of course I will catch you up. I love a challenge. Terry's manager, Johnell, recently moved to the beach. (Let's pause and ask God to give her the strength to cope with the cool ocean breezes and laid back lifestyle. I know it's going to be hard on her.) Because he's the Superman of the IT world, he has been given her old job. This "promotion" has come with the loss of a few perks. He was working from home two days a week and off by 5:00 every day. Now he has to go into the office every day and gets home between 7 and 7:30. Somehow, God has smiled on him and he looks younger and younger every day. ;) Why do women get old and haggard and men age and become distinguished. I'm going to take this up with God, but I'm sure He's heard it before.

I must be very nice to him because as I'm typing, he and Tyler are cooking scrambled eggs and pancakes and Mamma knows not to bite the hand that feeds her. He really is the best. I surely don't deserve such a man. I should point out to you that he was raised by amazing parents and my "Proverbs 31" mother-in-law helped to form him into not just a good man, but a godly man. He is so much like his dad that sometimes you can't tell them apart. If you compare old pictures, it is spooky. The elder Lawson is an amazing man of faith and they are both role models for me. I will never be half the woman my mom-in-law is, but it's a worthy goal to try.

Tyler tells me his name is "copyrighted." He gets this from me because I try to claim that my image is "copyrighted" every time someone tries to take my picture. I am not photogenic. I am much cuter and nicer in person. However, no one...especially my father-shutter-bug-in-law has any respect for my claims and they snap away anyway. I checked into Tyler's claim of being copyrighted and it turns out, he never completed his paper work, so I can write at will. This summer has been a summer of transformation for Tyler. He has up and gotten a life! He is a quiet boy (in public) and usually keeps to himself. However, when we changed churches, we changed Tylers. He has gone to camp with a bunch of kids he didn't know, made lots of new friends, and gone to "Fish Camp" at high school. That is the name for freshman orientation. He will be a freshman in the fall and is a little bit anxious about the whole high school thing. He will, of course, love it once he's there, but as for now, he's not convinced. Feel free to leave here a few great high school stories from your past. He needs to hear them.

Ashley is of course, out in the pool with a friend. We consider ourselves blessed if she is at home. I'm worried we will forget what she looks like. There is earth shattering news on the Ashley front...ready? SHE GOT A JOB!! A real, W-4, paycheck and responsibility job. It made her daddy so proud that someone else in this house had a job, he got a little tear in his eye. She also takes after her mom and needs an audience at all times and so she is usually "hanging out" with friends. She is going to be a Senior in the fall and she is excited about that. (I'm excited to have both kids at the same school.) She is not, however, excited about college. She has a touch of the "Peter Pan Syndrome." After spending every day she has been on this earth trying her best to grow up in a hurry, she has now slammed on the brakes. College and everything that goes along with the process is a little scary.

I'm too young to have a high school Senior as a child and I'm already dreading the "letting go part." I have taught women for the last 11 years and a big part of it has been teaching them that you raise your children to not need you. You raise them right in the Lord, and let them go. You trust you did your part as a parent. [My "speech" to my kids has been, "You will grow up to be a God fearing, tax paying, law abiding citizen. You may choose the easy way or the hard way."] I know I am biased, but I do have the two best kids God has ever made. I know she is ready. Truly, she hasn't needed us since she could open the refrigerator. See has always been independent. I raised her to be that way. Now it looks like I'm going to have to drink my own kool-aid and prepare to let her go. Honestly, I'm completely prepared to be a hypocrite and lock her in the basement until she's 40, but that would be selfish. Let's hope I am not too selfish. Feel free to leave her some fun...but stories that can help her shake of the nervousness.

Big changes are a coming. I'm just along for the ride. If you have a minute, would you ask God to help me get through this last year with Ashley at home? I'm afraid, I might ask him to help her fail all of her classes and have to repeat her senior year. I'm almost positive that would be wrong of me. Almost, positive...but tempting.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Continuation of previous post...

I have decided to put my 20 year old AC unit "ON NOTICE!" It can't seem to cool my house when it is over 100 degrees. Yesterday was 107! Yikes. If you are gonna run with the big boys and be an AC unit here in Texas, you've got to know it will be 107 and be prepared, AC unit. We do our part by having the nice AC tech out every year and giving him our retirement savings just to keep you happy, AC unit. You repay me by making me sweat in the uncomfort of my very own home. Shame on you, AC unit. If I want a nap during the day, and we all know I do I have to haul in three extra fans in addition to my ceiling fan and encircle my bed in a vortex of wind. Terry is worried I am accidentally going to create a tornado and end up in Oz. He doesn't mind if I go, but he's worried I'll take him with me and he doesn't have enough vacation time to make his way home on the yellow brick road. He is also positive I'll spend my yellow brick road time whining that I'm hot and that he's making me hike.(( You know it, buddy boy! ) Did I mention he's a wise man? For making the Queen of Nonsense sweat and needlessly worrying Terry about Munchkins and wicked witches, I'm putting you "ON NOTICE'" 20 year old AC unit...but please don't die. We love you.

Runner up is Kathy's fairly new AC Unit that made her come home from our fabulous weekend and find it dead. That's not nice. Also to the 14' alligator caught by Kelly's husband and boys. Don't go getting yourself caught and giving mama a heart attack in the process. Shame, shame on the both of you. Alligator, you're from Louisiana. You should know better.

Last, but not least, head on over to This is my cool buddy Frank's blog. There is a beautiful new baby at his house and he is one proud dad. He's a deep thinker, apparently except if his food is too spicy. He always provokes me to think. Read his blog, but scroll down and pay special notice to the video under "real preachers of genius." After you watch it, you'll know who else is "ON NOTICE!"

Dancing Queen...NOT

Praise the Lord for friends! I just returned from my no husbands, no children, no boyfriends, no strangers, annual sacred Girlfriend Weekend! If you are a girl, you should round up your friends and head out for some rest and relaxation. Seriously cool. My group of girlfriends grew up together. Seriously. Kathy moved to town when we were 6. She's the new chick. We have an interesting bond that can only come from time, familiarity and love. No greater women will you find on this planet. We are also all pretty cute, if I do say so myself. All of my girlfriends are just naturally gifted "christian counselors," so there were lots of calls back and forth between some folks in need of prayer and and a shoulder to cry on and the rest of the group.

We had a blast as always. We are a holy group. We participated in lots of fellowship ((baptist speak for eating so much it is surely a sin,)) giving to the needy ((baptist speak for retail therapy)) a little meditation, ((sleep,)) sharing ((baptist speak for "catching up")) and praise music ((Pam brought her guitar and we also went to the Sunday Gospel Brunch at Threadgills.)) Note: If you care to go see the movie, Mamma Mia!, you should ask how many children of the 7o's are there and if they are singers. There were 6 of us and we are all singers. I know the rest of the audience thought our 6 part harmony was sent straight to them from God...and probably asked him to make us shut up. (The answer, NO!) Then of course there was the Abba tribute band we briefly formed in the van after the movie as we sang along to our newly acquired CD. I'm sure we could go pro. We would look amazing in the costumes, and we need a paying gig to make up for some of the "giving." We missed seeing our dear friend Amy because of the gospel brunch. I hope to get to see her next time. She's a warrior for Jesus. I wish you knew her. You'd love her too.

As we were in Austin, we had the opportunity to listen to 3 live music "events." The first was a girl and her keyboard outside on a deck overlooking Lake Austin at a coffe house. She was amazing and relaxing. The girl whining about the heat (me) was annoying but thankfully distracted by the cool music and portable fan. The second was very good cover band, "Pie." They did mostly 70's music with a good deal of 80's and a little 60's music thrown in. Once again, the 6 singers belted it out along with the band, although the speakers were loud enugh to keeep us from distracting the rest of the audience...I think. There was some dancing, but don't worry, it wasn't me. I have learned my lesson the hard way. We almost got "bounced" because Shelly fell asleep on the couch. The poor girl is 8 months pregnant in the record-breaking Texas heat with 5 other crazy women. We wore her out. By Saturday evening, she just needed a little nap, so she snuggled in on a leather couch during the music and took a little snooze. The people of the establishment, however, saw it differently and to them she looked like a passed out drunk chick. Shelly is an attorney, so when they asked about her, she opened her eyes and very succinctly explained to them why they would not be kicking her out. They were so embarassed. I was kind of hoping they would haul us downtown so I could have some more interesting stories. However, none of the rest of my group cared to go to jail so I could have interesting stories. They were probably right. I don't think they would do my nails properly in jail, and I don't have any shoes that match the uniforms. DO they let you shop before you get locked up so that you don't clash? Hmmmm.

I want to ask you to pray fervently for my friend Polly. She isn't blood kin, but she's family, and she's ill. Please pray for her health and let's just on and ask for healing ,if it's God's will. Please pause for a moment and do it now...I'll wait... Then whenever you think of it, please do it often. She is an amazing woman who has had an interesting life. I love her like a sister and so would you if you knew her.

Today's "Good Job" was a tie, so it goes both to Kathy's dog, Shadow and to the not kicked out of the music, Shelly.

Kathy's dog get's the "good job" for not biting me when I so richly deserved it. I accidently knocked her upside the head and then fell keister over teakettle into her little doggie hole she had dug to keep herself cool. I'm sure she is not accustomed to entertaining humans in here little doggie hole, but she was a gracious hostess She allowed me to fall on top of her into the hole, and then dust myself off and climb out. She didn't even laugh in my face, although she ran behind the car to laugh at me behind my back. I heard her, but I couldn't be mad. I was laughing at myself. Then she came back around so I could apologize. She forgave me for defiling her litttle spot, but I don't think we are going to be "besties." So thank you for not biting me and "good job."

Shelly gets a "Good Job" for not giving birth and for being a trooper. We do allow children at Girlfriend wWekend who are in the womb, but once they are out, it simply won't do. Her law is family law and it doesn't ever stop. This woman is amazing. She handled business with compassion and tromped around with us without complaining. This is more than I can say for the whiny girl (me) who drug around holding a little portable fan to her face asking everyone if they knew it was hot. Shelly never complained and I was amazed at her.